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We really appreciate your visiting our Store. The realm of Faeries is always awe inspiring and uplifting and they love your company! We would love to hear from you so Send your questions, inquiries, and Comments via our Faerie Email. We will answer as fast as little Faerie wings can fly to you. It's our version of Air Mail.

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What is Faerie Dust?

There are many different myths about the magic of Faerie Dust, but as in the story of "Tinkerbell and Peter Pan", most agree the main use is helping humans to fly. Other potential uses are to help people heal, or as in the television show, "Charmed", it caused adults to revert to a child-like state and become able to see and interact with Fairies.

I named this shop Faerie Dust because I wanted to capture the magic of fantasies and share it with others. I may not be able to help people fly, but I can offer uplifting products, because everyone needs a little magic!